Youm-e-Istehsal Kashmir; Photo Exhibition held at PNCA Islamabad

4 min read

ISLAMABAD: A photo exhibition held at Pakistan National Council of Arts PNCA in Islamabad on Saturday to mark the Youm-e-Istehsal (Exploitation Day).
The day marks the completion of four years since India’s illegal action of revoking the special status of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu Kashmir (IIOJK).

The state of Jammu & Kashmir has been a subject of dispute between India & Pakistan since 1947. The atrocities faced by Kashmiris in occupied Kashmir are heart rendering. The state has become a battle ground, with Kashmiris fighting every day for their freedom. It is no secret that the basic right to life and liberty has been stripped away from people of Indian occupied Kashmir. They have to fight Indian military to survive. They are being tortured and assaulted by them. These unarmed innocent civilians have been the victims of brutalities of Indian Armed Forces since 1947.

Artists, painters, and poets see the world with a contemplative eye. History tells us that in the end, all great battles for human liberation have been won not by soldiers but by artists, not by guns but by ideas. This epic struggle has inspired poets, painters, and writers to produce creative works expressing through words, image and symbol their solidarity with these brave freedom fighters who wish to assert their human dignity and win acceptance for their fundamental right to life and liberty.

This year, a photo exhibition was organized by PNCA, Visual Arts Division. These photographs are powerful and disturbing images that symbolize in line and colour the urge of the Kashmiris to be free and their determination to go on fighting until their final victory.

On this occasion, M. Ayoub Jamali, DG PNCA, shared his remarks. He said that I am honoured to be associated with this exhibition, and I have no doubt that the sun of freedom will soon shine on Kashmir.  The long night of terror is about to be over.

He further said that I wish to record my appreciation for the Director Visual Arts Division, Ms. Mariam Ahmed, to curate this exhibition and her team to put up this eye griping exhibition together to mark the current situation in Kashmir. 
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