SHANGLA: The minister of labourer and culture Shaukat Yousafzai has said that chief minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Mahmood Khan is not changing, the news circulating across the social media is baseless and Mahmood Khan is performing well.
The minister for labor and culture and MPA elect from Shangla was addressing road projects inaugurating ceremonies here at Bisham tehsil on Tuesday. The Pakistan Tehrik-I-Insaf local chapter president, Waqar Ahmed Khan, and other party leaders were also present on the occasion.
Minister said that the KP CM Mahmood performance was immensely perfect and he completed all mega projects in his tenure and also played a vital role in the recent elections and ensure 100 percent results.
“A media house is making propaganda about the change of CM KP Mahmood Khan which is totally baseless news and just misleading the public nothing else,” Minister said.
He claimed the KP chief minister was the most trustworthy and well-performing chief minister among all the province’s chief ministers.
He said the opposition parties had only objective and that was blackmailing and they were trying to close the case against them but their prime minister had pledged that he would quit ruling but not these corrupt politicians.
Earlier this, the minister inaugurated a Rs 3 million Shang road and Rs 4.6 million road project from Lahore to Hawalai.
Also on the day he inaugurated Rs 16.5 million worth of blacktopping and widening road project from Bazar Kot to Amnavi.
The minister said that this road project would help in boosting tourism of the region as the road project’s sole purpose was promoting tourism.
STRIKE: Paramedics of the different hospitals of Shangla observed pen-down strike across the district health facilities in support of their demands, their promotions among the demands.
The strike was called by the Paramedics provincial leaderships on Tuesday and Paramedics staff of the health facilities wore black armbands in protest of their demands.
The strike was observed in all the hospitals, however, protest held at DHQ hospital Alpuri, THQ hospital Bisham and THQ hospital Puran where leaders of the association announced that they would take part in all the protests and rallies announced by their provincial leadership to press the government to accept their demands.

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