KPRA conducted a training workshop for officials of the Accountant General of Pakistan on FABS.

3 min read

PESHAWAR: The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Revenue Authority conducted a one-day training workshop on Automated Deduction of KP Sales Tax on Services through the Financial Accounting and Budgeting System (FABS) for the officials of the Accountant General of Pakistan on Wednesday at Serena Hotel, Peshawar. The workshop was organized with the financial assistance of the World Bank-funded KPRMP project. Trainers from FABS provided a comprehensive presentation on the workings of FABS regarding the automatic deduction of KP Sales Tax on Services through the FABS system. Additionally, a thorough question and answer session was conducted during the presentation, where trainers and officials of KPRA addressed the queries of the participants. Director General KPRA Miss Fouzia Iqbal, in her address, thanked officials of the Accountant General of Pakistan, KPRMP, and FABS for making the workshop possible. She shed light on the integration of KP Sales Tax on Services in the FABS system, emphasizing that it marks a significant milestone for KPRA and a memorable day. “It is another step towards the automation of KP Sales Tax on Services. This advancement will eliminate errors, as the tax will be automatically deducted and submitted to KPRA. We anticipate an increase in revenue from the AG office,” she stated. She also expressed appreciation for the keen interest shown by the Accountant General of Pakistan in the integration process and assured that her team would be available to assist officials from the AG office with any issues related to the system. Advisor KPRA on Tax Enforcement Mr. Fazal Amin Shah, in his welcome note at the workshop, thanked the officials of the AG office for attending the training and showed his hopes for smooth coordination in the future. Mr. Shah answered the queries of the participants in detail and assured them to arrange a meeting of KPRA, FABS, and AG Office concerned officers to overcome any shortcomings in the system. “This collaborative effort will contribute to documenting the overall economy, reducing errors, and increasing sales tax on services in KP, facilitating a smoother payment flow to contractors,” he said.

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