SHANGLA: Teachers of the private schools in Shangla have been facing financial problems since the closure of their schools and they are have not paid a single penny by the school management.
According to private education network, Shangla, there are over 200 private schools in the district and around 2000 teachers associated with that schools and majority of them are doing the job for Rs 15000 to Rs 25000 monthly salary.
Altaf Hussain Gulab, PEN office-bearer, said they had been facing tough situation due to lockdown in the wake of Covid-19 pandemic.
“I bear Rs290,000 expenditure every month, including salaries of teachers and building rent, but for three months we have not received fee from the students and teachers are not paid,” he said.
He said the building owner and teachers contacted him daily for their salaries and dues, but due to closure of school he was unable to pay them.
Qutbuddin, a school teacher, in Puran, said he had been facing financial problems since the closure of his school due to coronavirus pandemic and also his other colleagues.
“I have borrowed the foods stuff from a shopkeeper for home as my kids were hungry for foods and I had nothing in my pocket to bring daily use commodities,” He said.
He said, Eidulfiter was approaching and teacher’s children asking for cloths and shoes for Eid festival but owing the closure of schools and being unpaid their children would not celebrate the Eid festival.
Each private school has supporting staff like class-iv, peon and clerics and they are also at the age of financial crises and had nothing to eat and their families also suffering severely.
The schools teachers are educated but still awaiting of the philanthropists to come forward and support the teachers and supporting staff at this crucial time.
Hussain Shah, a private school teacher, said since the closure of schools he had anticipating that government would pay the relief but in that they were also kept deprived.
He said his mostly teacher colleagues were living below the poverty line and had passing their time and feeding their family with the school salary but since the closure of school they have nothing to eat and their children hungry for days.
The private school teachers also demanded of the Nobel Prize laureate, Malala Yousafzai to help them in this difficult time they are experiencing.
They also demanded of the government and philanthropists to extend the financial support or provide them foods for their children.