Mahjabeen Sheeran has kicked off lobbying for Baby day care center in Balochistan Assembly after she had an unpleasant experience when she brought her unwell infant daughter into Assembly during the session on 3rd may 2019.
Sheeran was expelled from the Assembly; many MPAs also objected the presence of her child. Sheeran answered the objections by saying that “mother cannot leave children alone when there are sick”.
Ms. Mahjabeen Sheeran is a mother of infant daughter, and she is MPA of Balochistan provincial Assembly. parliamentary secretary law and rights of women.
She is politically associated with Balochistan Awami Party (BAP). After 2018 general elections she was nominated as MPA on reserved seats by BAP.
The brave lady MPA is hailing from Kech district of Balochistan.
Initially people appreciated her on the social media with some hash tag slogan #More power to women of Balochistan and working women. Unfortunately, the act of bringing daughter to chamber, caught her in a embarrassing situation, she was informed by the staff of Assembly during the session that children are not allowed into assembly, because it’s against the rule. The idea of setting up daycare center for women parliamentarians, next to women chamber room was rejected by secretary of assembly saying that, “this room is for ministers, and cannot be used for any other purpose”.
Later she tried to convince the secretary assembly for allotment of a room next to women chamber. Astonishingly the incident happened in front of all mainstream media of Pakistan, and none of them paid head to it. Had it happened in western countries, it would have been breaking news. It also goes to show insensitivity of the media towards gender and women rights. This incident wills discourage mothers and women all over country to participates in politics’. However the approach of right based origination and right activist is also questionable, they did not raise voice for this unwanted, undesirable and shameful act, In one hand we are celebrating mother days, on the another hand mother has been insulted and rights are violated in the very place where the rights of women are supposed to be guaranteed.

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