Bisham Police arrested two suspects involved in the murder of Lal Zada, a Peshawar native residing in Bisham. The suspects, identified as Hazrat Bilal, son of Inamullah, and Qamar Abbas, son of Zain Khan were arrested along with the murder weapon.
According to details, the deceased, Lal Zada, originally from Peshawar, had a long-standing feud over property disputes with his relatives in his hometown. The conflict had previously led to violent incidents, prompting him to relocate and settle in Bisham.
Today, while he was present in Bisham Bazaar, two individuals on a motorcycle opened fire on him and fled the scene.
Also read: Three members of robbery gang arrested in Bisham
DSP Bisham Altaf Hussain, DSP Security Shangla Aitibar Khan, and SHO Bisham Police Station Khurshid Ali pursued the suspects and arrested them, along with their motorcycle, at Kunshi Bisham.
A pistol was recovered from the possession of the suspect Hazrat Bilal.
A case has been registered against the suspects Hazrat Bilal and Qamar Abbas at Bisham Police Station.
DPO Shangla Imran Khan has issued instructions for a transparent investigation of the case and to ensure the suspects are brought to justice.