Recently, Bise Abbotabbad has declared HSSC 2019 result and it was a nightmare for the students of district Kohistan. As Alif Ailaan in its yearly ranking report showed Kohistan at last number. This report was made on the basis of various parameters such as school buildings, students academic performance in math and science, enrollment and retention. Some social activists have also highlighted ghost schools in Kohistan. Culture of cheating and unrestricted examination hall exhibited the poor education status of Kohistan.
Despite all the hardships and odds, large number of students surpass the dilapidated path to their schools and continue their education. During examination of matric and intermediate, invigilators are addicted to bribes. Students are forced to give amount of Rs.1000 for relaxation during papers hours. Invigilator’s each and every demands are fulfilled by school administrations. But due to remarkable performance of some students in medical and engineering’s entrance test and with the untired efforts of social activists, the cultural of cheating is on the edge of elimination. Non-government organizations have also played pivotal role in mobilization of the community. People from all walks of life are now aware of the importance of quality education. Parents spend their hard-earned money on their children’s education and preferred cities for better education. I visited Kohistan back in 2018 and get a chance to take part in an event organized by a non-government organizations and surprised to see the untamed talent and potentials in the students. My perception about people and educational ranking of Kohistan was completely changed. A sense of competition is developed in students and now they desperately need quality education. Bise Abbottabad HSSC result 2019 proved disastrous for District Kohistan. Students from all categories i.e. mediocre or top-notch have to accept worst result in comparison to others districts. Students and social activists of Kohistan have alleged invigilators of making UFM cases unfairly and they have collected proofs.
Dreams of students are shattered by Bise Abbotabbad, because their marks are in the range of 600 to 800 out of 1100 whilst students from other part of KP are in the range of 800 to 1000. And in next month they are supposed to appear in province most competitive entrance test for medical colleges and engineering universities. Their motivation goes down months before the biggest test. They have called on peaceful demonstrations in front of Bise Abbottabad and now it’s the responsibility of Bise Abbottabad to investigate the case. KP government must offer special offer to these students. They must be exempted for entrance test before the case is unbiasedly investigated.

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