Anti-polio campaign continue amid harsh snowy weather in Shangla

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The anti-polio campaign continued across Shangla district despite heavy snowfall with vaccinators reaching the high-altitude parts amid up to four feet of snow.
The district emergency operation centre focal person, Hussain Ahmad, told that heavy snowfall was received in 15 union council of the district where anti-polio teams had been making efforts to reach every child and administer them with anti-polio vaccine.
He said 183,201 children under the age of five will be vaccinated in the five days campaign across the district for which 968 teams were formed and 297 area incharges and 65 union council medical officers for the drive.

Syed Qubad Shah is an elderly anti-polio vaccination drive team member, says they reached the upper parts in Malak Khel where even routes according to the microplane disappeared due to heavy snowfall and they had faced severe problem in minus temperature to reach the targeted houses.
He said they walked over the snow and slipped on it for many times along with the vaccines carrier but managed to reach the children and vaccinated them.
Ziauddin Yousafzai, a health worker in Belkanai said the heavy snowfall in the hilly areas was hampering the anti-polio vaccination drive which commenced on Monday and team were reaching the targeted children for vaccination in the toughest chilly weather.

He said his teams took more time in this drive to reach the households due to heavy snowfall in the hard terrains of the area where walk in the snow was danger.
Hussain Ahmad, the DESO focal person said union council Malak Khel, Alpuri, Lilonai, Chakesar, Wahab Khel, Kuz Kana, Dehrai, Pir Abad, Pir Khana, Damorai, Shahpur and other union councils had received heavy snowfall where the campaign was continued.

Replying to a question, he said there was no report of incident but the teams were doing extra-ordinary and challenging job in this campaign and he was hopeful this would be ended without any misshape.
ARREST OF KILLERS DEMAND: The residents of Dandai have demanded of the Batttagram police to apprehend the killers who had allegedly killed Hamidur Rehman of Dandai in the Battagram bazaar on Tuesday.
The Dandai residents gathered at Dandai bazaar upon arrival of the dead body of Hamidur Rehman and chanted slogans against the Battagram police and demanded them to immediately arrest the killers of Hamidur Rehman otherwise they would come onto streets for agitation.
Niazur Rehman, a local said that Hamidur Rehman had no any personal enmity with anyone but killed innocently by unknown assailants at Battagram and the culprits were still at large and they wanted their immediate arrest.

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