Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas are celebrating their first Christmas together. Both the stars tied the knot as per Christian and Hindu rituals in Jodhpur’s Umaid Bhawan Palace hotel. The couple has been sharing pictures and we are sure that they are enjoying the best phase of their lives. They recently went shopping in the streets of London. Priyanka and Nick walked hand-in-hand and their romantic pictures have made its way to the internet. Fans can’t stop gushing over them. Dressed in a white sweater and black jeans, PeeCee looked stunning. Nick was seen in the casual avatar.
Earlier, the American singer shared a picture with his gorgeous wife and a dog. He captioned it as, “Dogs and Christmas. Wishing you all the best with your loved ones.”
After getting married, the couple hosted the first wedding reception in Delhi which was attended by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Later, the Mumbai reception saw many popular faces of the silver screen. If reports are to be believed, both the stars are planning for a reception party for their friends from the West. The daily quoted a source saying, “After their honeymoon in Switzerland, Priyanka will fly down to Mumbai for a schedule of The Sky is Pink. She will join Nick in LA towards the month-end, to host a reception for their friends”.
The report further said, “It will be a black-tie event, with Priyanka’s close friends Kerry Washington, Dwayne Johnson, Ellen DeGeneres, and the Duchess of Sussex- Meghan Markle on the guest list. Many other Hollywood stars including her co-stars from A Kid Like Jake and Isn’t It Romantic?, and Nick’s friends from the music fraternity are also expected. Besides her family, Priyanka’s cousin Parineeti Chopra is also likely to fly down for the soiree”.
On the professional front, Priyanka will next be seen in The Sky is Pink. The movie also features Zaira Wasim and Farhan Akhtar in crucial roles. It is directed by Shonali Bose