SHANGLA: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa minister for Labour and culture, Shaukat Yousafzai has directed the deputy commissioner Shangla to release funds from the emergency funds to all the district hospitals for purchase of required equipment.
Minister for Labour visited the district health facilities on Saturday and inspected the quarantine centers established in the district, Deputy Commissioner Shangla Imran Hussain Ranjha, DHO Shangla Abdur Rehman and other health officials were present.
At DHQ hospital Alpuri, Spokesperson, Doctor Sharifullah Sharif, briefed the minister about the measures taken by the department and also highlighted shortage of equipment.
Dr Sharifullah pointed out that the DHQ hospital was lacked Personal Protective Equipment, Incinerator and also the facility has been facing water supply issue for long.
He demanded well-equipped ambulance for the hospital and demanded establishment of High Dependency Unit (HDU).
Mr Yousafzai on the occasion asked the district admin to fulfill the required demand from the emergency funds and he would discuss the matters with minister for health.
“We will try for provision of equipment and will talk to Taimor Jhagra and secretory health for it, also trying to immediately provide operators for ventilators. Only 100 safety kits have been provided to DHQ hospital however, I will try my best to fulfill the demand of hospitals,” He said.
He said front-liner doctors safety was the government first priority because they had to save lives from the deadly virus.
In THQ hospital Bisham the minister also assured the hospital management that shortage of equipment would be fulfilled very soon.
He said, the country was passing in a difficult period, however, if the development funds were needed, the government would utilize it for saving the human being lives.
Meanwhile, Member National Assembly from Shangla, Ibadullah Khan also visited the district hospitals and inspected the isolation wards and announced if the government was failed in delivering and providing equipment he would provide the equipment by paying from his pocket.
He said, he was inquiring about the shortage in the hospitals and he would try his best for the sake of saving lives of his constituency.