SHANGLA: The government degree colleges for boys in tehsil Chakesar and tehsil Puran have been facing shortage of staff for the last three years, affecting the students study.
Sources told Dawn that several lecturers posts were vacant in the both colleges of Chakesar and Puran tehsils for the last three years which was a hindrance to the students in study.
Zia Khan, principal at government degree college, Chakesar, told The Northern Post that 463 students were currently enrolled in the college but due to staff shortage they were unable to impart quality education and teach the all subjects in time.
He said, there were 14 sanctioned posts in the GDC Chakesar out of that just six lecturers of Arts were currently deployed at the historical college but shortage of science subjects teachers was an hindrance to pupils in receiving higher education.
He pointed out that the posts of Physics, Zoology and Mathematics faculties are vacant for the last three years and the Chemistry position vacant since last year.
Muhammad Zamir, a first year, student of GDC, Chakesar said that they were concerned for their future because including he himself mostly students had got the admission in science subjects.
He said since their chemistry lecturer transferred from the college they did not continue further study in the book.
The situation is not much different at government degree college Puran, Aloch where according to the principal, Haroon Rasheed, 385 students enrolled in the college and 95 percent are science students but the shortage of staff affected their study badly.
In out of 10 sanctioned posts at the college only two lecturers of statistics and Pakistan Study presently impart the education to the pupils, while in the seven assistant professors sanctioned positions five are present, while the rest of two are vacant for long.
The two posts of associate professors at the GDC Puran are also vacant for long time.
Physics, Botany, Zoology, Islamiat, Pashto and the Economics lecturers positions have been vacant for the last many years and the Chemistry for a year.
Jehan Alam, a second year, student said the shortage of faculty staff at their college was a main reason in getting poor marks in examinations because they faced problems in those subjects which academics posts are vacant.
“We are interested in getting quality education to compete the urban districts competitors in admissions for higher education in future but likewise the students before them did not make place, they would have the same, however they would continue their efforts,” He said and added that government should fill the vacant positions of the faculty at the college so that they could receive quality education obtain first grade marks.
MPA from the PK-24 Faisal Zeeb had also submitted attention notice in this regard in the provincial assembly.