SHANGLA: Life is remained paralysed in Shangla district as most links roads blocked for a week forcing local people to clear the roads on self-help-basis to at least bring some foods from markets, however main arteries are open for light traffic.
Local residents of the upper parts of Shangla on Saturday told media persons that including Bely Baba-Pagorai, Rahim Abad to Basi, Shahpur-Ajmir and other links roads remained blocked for traffic after receiving heaviest snowfall.
Abid Yaar, resident of Mian Kaly Pagorai, said that after closure of their road which had received up to 5 feet of snow in last week and they had requested the administration to clear it for traffic but no one hear their voice.
He said, after Friday prayer local people decided to clear the road from snow on self help basis and started the work which is continue and might they clear for light traffic till Saturday.
Mr Yaar said, foods shortage was reported in some villages due to continues blockade of their sole road leads to several villages in Pir Abad union council of Alpuri tehsil.
Haider Ali, said travel on snow accumulated roads is danger which are blocked for a week and snow has been frozen and vehicles slipped.
Janab Khan of Martung said due to blockade of Puran road at Yakhtangay routine life is completely disrupted in the entire sub-division, while also the Martung-Bunir road because of receiving heaviest snowfall.
He said, trackers had tried to clear the road but due to minus temperature the snow has been frozen and they have no alternative source to remove snow from the road.
Shangla locals demanded of the government to reopen the roads from snow for overcoming their troubles.
Meanwhile, Deputy Commissioner Shangla, Imran Hussain Ranjha told The Northern Post that all main arteries including Alpuri-Puran and Bisham-Swat roads are open for all sorts of traffic and he himself traveled across.