SHANGLA: The district police officer Shangla Malak Ihjaz Khan has asked his staff to collect data of poor students of the district for provision them free uniform, copies, pencils and other required things for education.
A circular issued by the DPO office here on Tuesday said that in view of poverty which has been causing an obstacle in way of getting education to the coalmine worker’s kids, all the Sub-divisional police officers, station house officers were directed to collect data of poor students across the district in a period of a week.
It said, the DPO Shangla is intended to provide free uniforms, copies, pencils etc to needy students across the district for enabling them to get education.
DPO Malak Ihjaz told The Northern Post this scribe that he had taken the decision after hearing about a grad 10 student demise at a coalmine, who had gone for earning to receive education but his family received his dead body.
He said, there are hundreds of poor students who could not afford the uniform, copies, pencil even and then they move to coalmines for making money.
DPO stated that Shangla police will afford the charges of uniforms, copies and other charges to support the needy kids and enroll them in the schools.