SHANGLA: Local government members and community committee’s members have got trained on leadership and community management skills, which concluded here on Friday.
The five day training was organized by Sarhad Rural Support Program (SRSP) under Community Driven Local Development (CDLD) team of district Shangla here at a local hotel in Bisham which was concluded successfully. Assistant Commissioner Bisham Wajid Ali was chief guest on the occasion.
District Program Manager Muhammad Irshad said that it was a key training for the community members particularly the Community Based Organizations CBOs and local government representatives and hopefully it would help them in future wherever they needed the skills.
“SRSP district Shangla team has been playing a vital role since last four years of its program under the CDLD policy, we worked on social mobilization and development schems,” Mr Irshad claimed.
He said 25 participants from various parts of the tehsil Alpuri, Bisham and Chakesar had received the training in which majority participants were CBOs office bearers.
Liaqat Azeem, a village nazim told Dawn that it was a useful training for them and he learnt much more than his expectation about the leadership and community management.
He said the training enabled him to access the government funds as well as to bridge links with the government departments.
Tausif Ali Shah, a community member said that he was now able to promote CBOs for betterment and will mitigate the trust among poor community with the government agencies.
He said upon returning to community he would use the skills in his area for the welfare of community members.
“We tried our best to delivered the training on leadership management and hopeful for better result, we also exercised practical work on the participants which help them in getting the training easy way,” Said, Israr hussain, a trainer
Assistant commissioner Bisham Wajid Ali on the occasion lauded the efforts of SRSP especially its CDLC policy which had brought a real change by working in the field.
He said that administration will be closely monitor the ongoing projects and as well as facilitate the CBOs for timely completion of projects and his office will be available for any support.
The AC Bisham and others on the occasion distributed the training completion certificates among the participants and urged them to use the skills they learnt in the training.