Shangla police announced on Monday the arrest of two individuals accused of killing their sister-in-law in the Shalmanu area of Alpuri tehsil. The alleged motive behind the killing was suspicion of illicit relations.
According to District Police Officer Imran Khan, the two accused – Umar Ali, Ahmad Hussain, were nominated by the slain woman’s sister and would be produced in court to obtain physical remand.
As stated in the FIR lodged on December 26, the victim had visited her sister’s house, where she was shot and killed by the accused, who opened indiscriminate fire in the kitchen.
Related story; Woman killed by in-laws in Shalmanu, Alpuri
DPO Imran Khan ensured that the police investigation team would interrogate the accused from all angles to ensure justice for the slain woman, who was married to the accused’s family.
Locals reported that a robbery incident had occurred at the woman’s house nine months prior, which led her in-laws to suspect her of having illicit relations. The killing allegedly took place in broad daylight at the victim’s sister’s home.