UPPER KOHISTAN: A man killed four members of his family, including two girls, in the name of honour in Loter area of Upper Kohistan in wee hours on Saturday, police said.
“Four people were killed by a member of their family after he witnessed them out in the fields at about 1am on Saturday,” Abdus Saboor Khan, the district police officer, Upper Kohistan, told reporters.
A man lodging FIR with police stated that his daughter, 18, and niece, 21, were seen by his nephew, in the company of two youths aged 22 and 21, respectively, in the fields in suspicious condition and shot all of them dead. The attacker fled the scene.
Police took bodies to the civil hospital in Dasu and handed them over to families on completion of medico-legal formalities.
The Loter police started making raids to arrest the suspect.
Upper Kohistan DPO said investigation was in progress to ascertain the exact cause behind the gruesome incident.
“When I assumed charge as DPO I started holding sessions with local ulema and notables to play their due role in bringing to an end honour related killings, but even then such cases are taking place,” said Mr Khan.