Dasu Hydropower Project Construction Uninterrupted Despite Recent Flood

September: Chairman WAPDA Engr Lt Gen Sajjad Ghani (Retd) has said that Dasu Hydropower Project is of immense importance for meeting the energy requirements of the country through indigenous yet clean, green and affordable hydel electricity, therefore, concerted efforts are needed for completion of the Project as per the timelines.
He expressed these views during his visit to Dasu Hydropower Project, being constructed by WAPDA on River Indus in Upper Kohistan District of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The Chairman had a detailed visit of the various sites, which included left and right abutments of the main dam, under-ground power house and transformers cavern, main crushing and batching plants and re-located Karakoram Highway
(KKH-I), and reviewed construction activities there.
The GM/PD Dasu Hydropower Project, the Consultants and the Contractors briefed the Chairman about the site-wise targets and achievements on the Project. It was briefed that construction activities on 15 key work fronts are progressing ahead uninterruptedly and at a good pace. After construction of upstream starter dam up to 798 feet above mean sea level, the diversion system this season successfully passed the recent floods through the two diversion tunnels and a bypass tunnel. Excavation and slope stabilisation continued on left and right abutments of the main dam, power house and transformers cavern. While, all seven tunnels of KKH-I have achieved their breakthrough mark. While, land acquisition for the Project is also complete.
Later, the Chairman also participated in a Jirga with elders and civil administration of the three districts namely Upper Kohistan, Lower Kohistan and Kolai Pallas. The matters about payments under Enhanced Self Managed Relocation (ESMR) Package and implementation of Local Area Development Schemes (LADS) were discussed in detail. Reiterating his resolve, the Chairman said that WAPDA is committed to bringing positive change in the life of the people residing in the Project area, and with this in view, WAPDA is spending Rs. 17.34 billion on the schemes of resettlement, environmental management and social development in the area. He directed the Project Management to promptly address grievances of the locals about ESMR Package and LADS.
It is important to note that the 4320 MW-Dasu Hydropower Project is planned to be completed in two stages. At present, WAPDA is constructing stage-I with installed generation capacity of 2160 MW and annual energy generation of 12 billion units of low-cost and environment-friendly electricity. The stage-II, when implemented, will also provide 9 billion units to the National Grid. On completion of the both Stages, Dasu will become the project with highest annual energy generation in Pakistan i.e., 21 billion units on the average.
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