
Tackling Islamophobia

Recently, The European Parliament has adopted a resolution seeking to review Pakistan’s GSP Plus status in the light of blasphemy laws and violation of minority rights.
The move came in response to the TLP(a banned organization in Pakistan) which protested to expel the French Ambassador over disrespecting our beloved prophet Muhammad SAW by drawing HIS caricature in the Charlie Hebdo Magazine.
Islamophobia is now no more a myth, but a reality and truism. We see its flagrant demonstration across the world. Worse, we have also seen Muslims globally retaliating through violence and extremism, but never through wisdom. No one has yet tried to explain the actual cause of the phenomenon. Why do people commit such an acts that hurt the sentiments of the Muslims?
The answer to the question, by and large, is we are extremist and equally ignorant of the real spirit and essence of Islam. Islam is the religion of peace ; it never teaches violence. Ironically, we have chosen otherwise__ fanaticism. For example, according to a report published by the Center For Strategic and International Studies, which reveals that patterns of extremist violence are dominated by violence in largely Muslim states and by extremist movements that claim to represent Islamic values. It shows that the START database counts a total of 70,767 terrorist incidents between 2011 and the end of 2016. A total of 60,320 of these incidents—85% of the global total—occurred in largely Islamic states. A total of 51,321 of these incidents—73% of the global total—occurred in the Islamic states in the Middle East and North Africa or MENA region.
Some religious scholars, however, claimed that the west is responsible for making the Muslims societies radical. As they have colonized us, and exploited our resources which, ultimately, led to poverty in the post- colonial period. Poverty and extremism have direct relation. To this end, question arises, up to what extent the religious scholars have exploited their intellectual capacity, and practiced the faculty of Ijtehad to enlighten the ignorant masses?

If a young man learn to take the lives of many through sucide attack from a radical literature or speeches of the zealots, can he not acquire to lead a peaceful life from the wisdom of the scholars?

It’s extremism that compels and incites them to disrespect our Deen and prophet. If extremism is not tackle wisely, it would spiral out of control in years to come.
It appeals to the reason that how protesting and spreading violence can halt Islamophobia ? It further tarnishes the image of the Islam.

Therefore, it’s pertinent that we should learn primarily to fight extremism. The level of extremism in Pakistan can be sensed from the fact that no other muslim country had protested so vibrantly as Pakistan had. For instance, the people of Turkey left the issue in to their leadership; we failed to do so.

Furthermore, the government should alleviate poverty by increasing economic opportunities and provide basic service delivery by strengthening the local governments. Moreover, dialogue among the nations is necessary. They should iron out effective policies to avert the threat of Islamophobia. They should put an economic sanction on those countries that commit blasphemy. Because, in the 21st century, religion is second to the economy.

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Taj Ali Shah

The writer is a lecturer at Zoology department in Jehanzeb College Swat, he holds a degree in Zoology and hailing from Amnovi of Alpuri tehsil in Shangla district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

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