One day early in the morning I noticed a man coming back from his duty place by bike, He was a security man associated with Samson company at Malam jabba.
I observed he was seeming tired and exhausted, the plight of his situation was thought-provoking, questions came to my mind.
Why do we have no opportunities despite good location? If the government pays heed to the promotion of tourism, it can, surely, brings a revolution in the lifestyle of these deprived people.
Our area, Amnovi, having all attributes of tourism, lies between two top tourist spots: Malam Jabba and Yakhtangay yet, most of the people are leading their lives under the poverty line. The main reason behind this is the lack of infrastructure. The area is three kilometers away from Malam Jaba main road and four Kilometers from Yakhtangay but its roads are unpaved. Its pavement has had a dream for the locals and no politician has yet materialized their dream. They just came to make a political score. Because of this sad reality of infrastructure the area has been isolated. Which directly or indirectly affects the living standards of the locals.
There are no opportunities for daily wager to engage altogether. Consequently, they compelled on moving to other towns and cities and many go to coalmines to seek jobs. According to Rahmat Ali, a coalmine worker, “ I spent more than six months a year in a coalmine with insecurity leaving my family alone here.” He further told me, “ it is my passion to educate my children but resources arrest my passion”. In such situation, many resort to the cutting of forests for their economic support which not only destroys the natural habitat of biodiversity but also contributes to environmental pollution.
Therefore, it is pertinent that the government should act in the line with the aspirations of the people of the region. The valley possesses the potential for tourism, which can attract considerable number of tourists provided if the government ensures infrastructure. It will not only improve tourism but also transport, health, and education. Furthermore, the government should set up rest houses to promote tourism. It should provide loans to the locals to build tents and guest houses at the tourist destinations. If the abovementioned developments are to be materialized, it could change the fate of the region: The literacy rate would be increased, extreme poverty would be eradicated, health facility would be accessible; migration to cities would be decreased if not totally stopped, and more important life expectancy would be increased.
I really like to see this kind of struggle for our home town
I appreciate you
Masha Allah… Keep it up bro… Good job govt should take devlopmntl steps for shangla its a nyc place but due to such problms as u mentiond tourst prefer to go some where else despite shngla..