Till few days back The China was the World’s second largest economy by nominal GDP with over 14 trillion and largest by purchasing power parity. The IMF projects Her growth of 5.8 pc in 2020 & 5.6 pc by 2023. The Chinese economy has 17 % of World economy with largest share into international supply chain which often called as World Factory but Corona virus outbreak ruined her economy & position at large, the worst ever in the history that any nation might have faced or could face in future. Even in 2003 the SARS epidemic dent china upto about 50 billion dollar but the recent Corona Virus peril China’s economy and World Factory status, more then two third of China’s economy have shut, over 90 % of its manufacturing is closed, its export declined to zero, scores of nation evacuated from China, even neighboring states sealed their borders and stopped all kind of movements with China. Due to fear of Corona Virus Chinese remained limited upto their homes, there is great shortage of food after Chinese described sea food then bats & now ant eater as cause of virus. So now people are not consuming their usual food of Argum Shargum (each & every living organism) even densely populous cities showing the scene of Hollywood movie “Resident Evil Apocalypse” completely deserted. Indeed, it is great ever crisis that the Chinese facing even greater then the great chinese famine of early 1960s which left about 45 million people dead due to starvation. This is the beginning of crisis but what would it shape after days when Food reserves would end in very near future. the fatalic virus spread out the boundaries of China and hit several other nations, now Corona become a global threat. Indeed it is not only fatalic but unending beginning of biological war among nations of World which would destroy humanity. In response of Chinese accuse of biological attack, USA plainly denied & replied that it was spread from Wuhan Institute of Virology. However it is strongly suspicious as the campaign of spreading fear was launched by World media instead of helping China to oust from crisis. Month befor US President Donald Trump stated to end trade war with China but contrary to this Mr Mike Pompeo on visit to Europe and Central Asia given message to beware of China, furthermore He described that this Century is belong to Western rule. In last G-7 summit it was seen that China was totally ignored by these nations and India was invited. On several occasions USA seemed to express the India is great opportunity of invest as it has greater man power which was taken by some analysts that the World Factory would be shifted or shared with India gradually. India who are on work to expand its export network, its plan of BIMSTEC and approach to Latin America, Africa and Europe is now looking to come true in absence of China. India who is said to be a fastest growing economy of World recently held indian made Exhibition and now She has ever great oppertunity to exist in international market But China will not tolerate this, already both nations have not good ties, previously India was involved in making unrest in China through using Dalai Lama factor and in 1962 both had fought war. Recent developments can put them again on the edge of War if India become the part of this nasty game. After Corona outbreak Pakistan is also in the line of effecting states economically and in recent dramatic developments CPEC which is already heavily criticized by US now fall into a pod but Pakistan as usual stand with China in such crisis, Pakistan has decided to remain engage with China and refuse to evacuate China, Pakistani Doctors giving full support to oust China from crisis. Indeed it will make more strong bilateral relations between China Pakistan.