SHANGLA: A fresh spell of snowfall received by upper parts of Shangla district here on Friday covering the region mountains in snow blanket.
The snowfall was started at Shangla top, Ajmir, Faizdara, Bilkanai, Pir Khana, Yakhtangay, Alpuri, Lilonai, Kandaw and other areas on Thursday night and continued for second consecutive day which dropped the mercury bellow the freezing point.
Rain was also lashed in Bisham city, Karora, Puran, Chakesar, Dandai and other plain areas turning the weather cold.
Meanwhile, district police officer Shangla Malak Ihjaz directed to police officials at snowbound areas to help commuters, tourists in snowy areas whenever they stuck in the snow.
He urged the public to use snow chains around their vehicles tyres while traveling on snowy roads of the district.
According to locals Alpuri-Puran road was closed for traffic at Yakhtangay after receiving heavy snowfall, however the rest of roads remained open for the light traffic on Friday.
People of the district and tourists also reached the snowbound areas and enjoyed the first snowfall of the year.