This is not a tale from ancient times, not the era of colonialism, this is the issue lying in the UN since seven decades as india forcibly captured Kashmir and made Kashmir its colony but people of Kashmir did not accept it, started movement for freedom, Indian army brutally tried to suppress them which leads to war between Pakistan and india, UN brokered a ceasefire & a five member commission consisting of Argentina, Belgium ,Colombia, Czechoslovakia and USA draw up a resolution calling for a plebiscite to decide Kashmir issue. According to para 51 of UNCIP resolution dated 5 January 1949 “the question of accession of jammu and Kashmir to india or pakistan will be decided through free & impartial plebiscite”. To refrain india from accession by puppet assembly, The UN Security Council passed two resolutions. Resolution No. 9 of 30th march 1951 and Resolution No.122 of 24 march 1957, outlawed accession or any kind of action of change status of jammu and Kashmir. Later Indian parliament declared Kashmir as its integral part which was rejected and condemned by UNSC. Actually It is an unresolved part of indian partition, which was held on the basic principal of Hindu dominated areas will be marge with india and Muslim dominated areas with pakistan. As per this principle Pakistan does not just claim, Kashmir is part of pakistan we can took it legally, morally, ethically since inception it is part of pakistan for a while if we admit india’s claim than the question is that why india always backed from plebiscite in kashmir? why india did not give the right of free choice to the people of kashmir? why india had to send troops in kashmir and still there are about a million security persons in Kashmir? why she suppressing voice of Kashmir and did not implement the UN resolution? She has repeated a very stereotyped statement that kashmir is its integral part and remained reluctant to give kashmir the right of self determination, India strengthen its claim by lobbing and propaganda against Pakistan that freedom fighters of Kashmir are terrorist and Pakistan is backing them if it is so then whom we accuse for backing the movement of 1931 against Dogra rule in Kashmir. Was Pakistan and ISI behind that movement of freedom? it is very clear and crystal the militant struggle for freedom in Kashmir is the results of india atrocities which is continue since seven decades, thousands of reports of indian atrocities in kashmir by indian army witnessing and repeating colonial era of pre existence of UN. If we put a glance on irresponsive behaviour of Indian state, there are a number of evidences are available that India never shown positively seriousness over this unresolved issue, after UNCIP resolution of 5 jan 1949 Sir Owen Dixen was appointed mediator by UN who held a tripartite conference but due to india’s double standard, talks failed to reach any outcome. The secondly direct talks started between both states in 1951 with the commonwealth PM conference, India opposed to set agenda of Kashmir and threatened to boycott the conference. Consequently an informal meeting among R Menzie Australian PM, C Attlee British PM, Nehru and Liaquart Ali khan on 16 january 1951, India rejected to compromise for usage of commonwealth troops during period of plebiscite. After all the UNSC had resolved that there should be a plebiscite & it did not seem as yet due to Indian irresponsive behavior & negligence of UN. Another UN mediator Dr frank were also reported that India is not agree to demilitarize region during plebiscite. After seven decades D Trump offered for mediation and following china too but same as before India instead showing seriousness, sent thousands more troops in Kashmir. It is on record UN representative Gunnar v Jarring submitted his report that while Pakistan was agree but India rejected his suggestion for submission of arbitration. The same response after trump and china’s mediation offer comes from India. It is pity on world that in such a time when there is universal slogan of human freedom, India still openly holds colony and snatched freedom from people of Kashmir, Now it must be active concern to resolve Kashmir issue for UN as India and Pakistan are both nuclear states, the matter can lead to fierce war, a great threat to the world peace. India is using Kashmiras as an arm against pakistan, controlling its water & trying to convert pak into desert, making biological and ENMOD attacks against Pakistan which is clear sign of future nuclear war between both.