SHANGLA: District administration Shangla has launched a drive to make the district polythene bags free, Assistant commissioner Alpuri, in a crackdown against use polythene bags imposed fine on several shopkeepers in the district headquarters and its outskirts.
AC Alpuri Fida-UL-Karim along with under trainee AC raided on shops on Monday at Alpuri, Koz Alpuri, Dehrai, Bely baba, Rahim Abad and other areas and recovered polythene bags from the vendors.
The AC warned the shopkeepers that there will be no excuse next time and vendors only use biodegradable shopping bags.
While talking reporters AC Fidaul Karim said that biodegradable bags are available in almost markets of the district, therefore shopkeepers should use biodegradable shopping bags instead of polythene which are not only hazardous for health but also harmful for environment.