Prime minister Imran Khan speech in the Organisation of Islamic cooperation (OIC) was widely appreciated as he pointed out the core issues of the Islamic countries, Which according to him “Never been raised and were even being ignored by the OIC which is known for Muslim defender organisation and did not give heed to that,”.
The OIC is a second largest inter-governmental body after the United Nations in the world. Its first met in Morocco in September 1969, a month after an arson attack inside the Al-aqsa mosque that destroyed part of roof and 800-years old pulpit of Salahuddin, best known for recapturing Jerusalem from the crusaders in the 12th century.
The recent OIC session was held at Makka in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Saudi king Salman bin Abdul Aziz had hosted the 14th summit of the OIC.
About 57 countries of four continents, across the globe, participated in the summit to ensure good relations in general and peace particularly in the Muslim countries. Representatives of various Muslims states represented their nations by addressing but the the most highlighted speech was delivered by Imran Khan as he threw light on root issues of Muslim world;which is the dire need of the hour.
Prime Minister Imran Khan summed up his speech under three major points: started, emphasising to stop blasphemy and ended with prevailing education and technology. His very first point was to mount voice against blasphemy because it hurts the sentiments of muslims. He regretted that the OIC did not respond effectively to the incident of blasphemy the way they should. Secondly he mentioned the western concepts about Islam. He criticizes their concept about islam by saying Islam is the religion of peace and tolerance: they should know about moderate and ridicule muslims. Political struggle and terrorism are the two aspects of war which are unfortunately linked together.
Furthermore he stood with Kashmir and Palestine that they have been treating brutally which should be stopped with immediate effect.
Imran Khan won his spurs by proving that he is a brave Muslim leader: he went against the foreign policies of America and Israel by saying that Jerusalem should be the capital of Palestine;indirectly targeted Hinduism for terrorism. Moreover he emphasised on education and development of technology which are the sole ways toward success.
Shortly he tightened the nose around the antimuslim nations and also buried the rumors of the few people who declared him the agent of Jews. The notions and speech of Imran Khan proved that he is not only the “captaan” of Pakistan but the leader of all Muslim nations across the globe.
Personally I found the IK speech comprehensive, informative and well-voiced for the across Muslim ummah.
The issues mentioned by Pakistani premier should be resolved and for which all the leaders of Muslims’ countries should be one ground in order to implement their policies for better cause.
I hope we Muslims could get positive results of the OIC summits in future if our Muslism leaders give heed to the issues addressed them with priority.
Deer kha post di kha article Liki good
dear bro keep it up.
you done phenomenol job.complete,comprehensive,supreb article on the appreciation of our great leader Ik and his efforts for muslims.Our great leader facing many propagandas.May Allah protects him from enemies.
Thank You.