Marijuana and its effect on juvenile’s brain

As we know human beings are blessed with the ‘sense’ yet animals don’t have sense which is the greatest difference between two kingdoms of living things. Brain is common in both classes. According to the research,in childhood our brain is larger,” says Krista Lisdahl, director of the brain imaging and neuropsychology lab at University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. “Then, during the teenage years, our brain is getting rid of those connections that weren’t really used, and it prunes back which makes the brain more faster and more efficient.
The mistake which nowadays teenagers are committing is to smoke “marijuana”. Many states are legalizing marijuana but they should concern about the long term effects of it on adolescent brain. Teenage is the last golden opportunity to make your mind capabilities razor sharp, healthy and smart as possible. Researchers from Duke University analyzed data gathered over many years from people living in New Zealand. They compared IQs in childhood through age 38 among marijuana users and nonusers.
“We found that people who began using marijuana in their teenage years and then continued to use marijuana for many years lost about eight IQ points from childhood to adulthood,” says study author Madeline Meier, now a professor at Arizona State University, “whereas those who never used marijuana did not lose any IQ points.”
It is not just only about I.Q but the adults who smoked marijuana as teenagers did worse in tests of memory and decision-making than adults who hadn’t smoked pot.
In Pakistan, Karachi, ranked 2nd in consumption of Marijuana especially in toffs. It gives pleasure a euphoria effects, feeling of relaxation they get. Many of secondary school students are using pot every day. Notwithstanding it is illegal in Karachi to have “marijuana or hashish” under the nose of laws enforces, youth are taking it. High school seniors say they think marijuana is safe, and 23 percent say they’ve used marijuana in the past month — more than those who used alcohol or smoked cigarettes.
Boys who smoke cannabis before reaching puberty may grow less than those who don’t, according to research.
Scientists from Pakistan studied the hormones in the blood of 437 boys, including 217 who regularly smoked cannabis before puberty.
The researchers found puberty-related hormones such as testosterone were higher in the drug users and growth hormones were reduced.
By the age of 20, non-cannabis smokers were on average 4kg (8.8lbs) heavier and 4.6 inches (11.6cm) taller than smokers.
Scientists also found that levels of the stress hormone cortisol were significantly higher in saliva samples from boys taking cannabis.
(Adapted from 420intel)
Unfortunately, marijuana producers have a strong incentive to hook young users. The more we are modernized the more we are getting in the usage of tobacco and marijuana. There should be a caveat against unfair practices of marijuana and other illicit and felonious drugs which are selling in the educational institutes especially. However, it is worrisome news yet not being taken by government. It might be a harbinger better days to come if government could be taking an action against the racket.